How SCORES Works
Fetch details from KYC Registration Agency or fill the Registration Form
Select appropriate category of complaint, Nature of Complaint and Name of the SEBI regulated Entity (i.e. Listed Company/ Registered Intermediaries/ Market Infrastructure Institutions)
Track the status of complaint. Please note that automatic reminders are sent to entities for timely resolution of complaint.
Two level review system- Seek Review of your complaint within 15 days from date of receipt of ATR from the Entity for First Level Review and 15 days of receipt from Designated Body for Second Level Review
Provide Feedback on the redressal process and quality of disposal of complaint within 15 days of closure of complaint in order to improve the SCORES system

“SCORES is an online grievance redressal facilitation platform provided by SEBI. Complainants can lodge grievances pertaining to securities market against SEBI regulated entities like listed companies, Registered Intermediaries and Market Infrastructure Institutions. Investors shall first take up their grievances for redressal with the entity concerned, through their designated persons/officials who handle issues relating to compliance and redressal of investor grievances. To know more about SCORES you may refer to FAQs or circular SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/CIR/P/2023/156 dated September 20, 2023 on Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal (SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform at LINK or any other circular issued in this regard from time to time.”